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- 发布日期:2024-09-19 01:06 点击次数:184
BEIJING情欲九歌qvod, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Director General Daren Tang has commended China's significant contributions to the global intellectual property (IP) ecosystem.
In a recent interview with Chinese media in Beijing, Tang highlighted the rapid growth in China's IP applications, which has made the country the largest filer of international patent applications globally.
According to WIPO's preliminary report on the "Global Innovation Index (GII) 2024情欲九歌qvod," China is home to 26 of the world's top 100 science and technology innovation clusters, maintaining its position as the global leader for two consecutive years.
"I think this shows that China has paid a lot of attention to research and development, and scientific and industrial innovation," Tang said, noting that he believes this trend is set to continue.
China's pursuit of high-quality development will give a stronger emphasis on science, technology and innovation, according to him.
Tang attended the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road High-Level Conference on Intellectual Property in Beijing on Sept. 11. He spoke highly of the conference for fostering international collaboration and exchange of ideas.
Tang also commended the growing participation of Chinese companies in the WIPO GREEN program, where they contribute green technologies and offer support.
强奸片"I think this way we can show the world that IP is not just to address local challenges and national challenges情欲九歌qvod, but also global challenges," Tang said. ■
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